My husband and I have been married for almost 3 years and together for over 7 years, so by now I know the drill. Every spring when the snow melts and the ground dries, the tractors and planters come out and it's goodbye to my husband. It has been this way since we met so the incredibly long hours he works this time of year shouldn't surprise me. Heck I used to joke that I was a "crop widow" during springtime.
However this year is different. This year it's not just me that's at home missing my husband. This year we have J. We are going on almost 2 weeks now of barely seeing daddy for longer then a few minutes at a time every couple days. He leaves before we are up in the morning and comes home long after we are asleep. I found myself referring to my life these days as single parenting. I wasn't bitter about it. I know my husband is doing what needs to be done and I admire how hard he works. But it's still hard and lonely to be taking care of J alone day in and day out, so I joked about being a "single parent". Then someone on Facebook pointed out to me that this wasn't really the case. I wasn't a single parent. Yes the day to day care of J was falling solely on me but I wasn't a single. I have a partner who is working hard to provide for us, I have his emotional support. Even though we barely have time to talk I can send him pictures and videos of J throughout the day. He usually doesn't even have time to respond but I know he will see them and celebrate the little milestones with me. I also know that this is temporary. Come July, things will slow down and he will be home for dinner again. He will spend weekends with us again and we will get to enjoy the rest of our summer together (until Fall harvest starts!!)
So thank you Facebook friend for changing my perspective on solo parenting and thank you to my amazing, hard working husband. Although it's hard and we are counting the days until this busy season is over, I know I am lucky to have you and so is J.
That's a wonderful sentiment and he is a hard working man. He loves his family and his job. You are the two main reasons he works so hard. He loves you both and your beautiful family you have created together. J will grown up knowing his Dad went to the ends of the earth to give him a secure and loving home and you too. I know first hand how that is when A was born we had the dairy farm so it was just me and baby for most of the day, but as you said when it slows down, family time starts!! Keep the faith. Love Mom-In-Law