These Fubbles were a Giant hit with Lil E! They are a spill proof bubble made for tiny hands! It provides us with 30 minutes of non stop entertainment which is HUGE!! No, he cannot do this all by himself! But...he can take the bubble wand out and pass it to Mommy to make magic bubbles! He then watches them with wonderment and excitement! He was able to catch some and was mesmerized when they popped! Lil E is doing a couple of signs right now. (On his terms) and he loves signing "more" for me to blow some more bubbles! I purchased these at Target (RIP 😂) for .59 cents at the year end clearance! Keep your eyes peeled they are a great find!

*product was purchased by me, all views and opinions are my own*
I love that he signs for you to make more bubbles! I can't wait to see a live demonstration this summer :)