2) HoMedics SoundSpa Portable White Noise Machine
My baby is an awful sleeper and this white noise machine has been a life saver. It has 6 soothing sounds to choose from, can be battery or adapter operated, is small and lightweight enough to take when you are away from home and can be left on all night or you can set a timer. It was a game changer for us!
3) Babies R Us Nursing Pillow There are many different nursing pillows out there and I definitely recommend this one. Whether you plan on breast feeding or bottle feeding these will come in handy when you are holding the baby for long periods of time. They are also great to prop up a baby who cannot yet sit unassisted. I personally loved the Babies R Us one as it wrapped around my waist and stayed in place. It also came with a removable cover for easy washing and I got it on sale for less then $20 (win!).
4) Cloth Diapers!!!!
Some of us are cloth diaper users. Here are our favourite brands!
Best Bottoms (http://www.bestbottomdiapers.com)
All-in-2 cloth diapers with inserts that just snap into place inside the cover. I swear, the inserts are the softest things ever! They are so absorbent, even as night time diapers. The doublers you can also purchase allow my little guy to sleep 12 hours straight, without a leak! The covers are also incredibly adorable! I have nothing but amazing things to say about this diaper system! Just be prepared for your LO to have a bubble butt, and to require larger pants.
Bumgenius 4.0 We truly love these pocket diapers! They are easily accessible, being sold at Babies R Us and many local shops! I also love that the company is run by a fellow mom who seems to have such a kind heart! We also used Bumgenius newborn diapers and we're glad to have invested!
Bumgenius Flip This hybrid diaper system allows you to choose three different types of inserts, depending on your needs. It'4.0 pockets and comes in adorable colours and prints. My favourite part about these is how trim they are on the bum!
s easily accessible like the
5) Skip Hop Grab & Go Wet/Dry Bag This bag is large enough to accomadate 5-6 cloth diapers which makes it perfect for a day out on the town. It also has two handy sections to keep clean and dirty diapers separated. It's also great to use for wet clothes, swimsuits, sippy cups and food.
6) 1, 2, 3 bum cream
I get this miracle cream from my local pharmacy in Ingleside, Ontario, so I'm not sure where else it is available. However, I highly recommend it for diaper rashes or to avoid them. Keep in mind that if you use cloth diapers, this lotion is not cloth diaper safe. Which bring me to my next product...
Get some at the fabric store or even cut up some old fleece pyjamas! The barrier it creates between your babies bum and the wet diaper will leave your little guy/gal rash-less! Fleece doesn't stay wet, so your baby will not be sitting in the moisture of the diaper.
8) Honest Company Healing Balm
I put that s**t on everything! I swear, this will heal anything!
9) Stackable Cups (http://www.toysrus.com/buy/babies-r-us-stacking-cups-5f5fbc5-13343706)
For 5 bucks, you will probably be purchasing one of your baby's ultimate favourite toy. Get ready to make about 400 towers a day and repeating "yellow, green, blue, orange, red, purple, yellow, green, blue, orange" more often than your sanity can handle. A couple of us Stretchmarks Mommies can confirm that those cups are a HIT!

10) It Works! Wraps
Do you have a little bit of extra skin/flub around your tummy area that's bugging you? I did, and I bought wraps from It Works, through Trisha, and what a difference!
11) Oball Toys
s easily accessible like the
5) Skip Hop Grab & Go Wet/Dry Bag This bag is large enough to accomadate 5-6 cloth diapers which makes it perfect for a day out on the town. It also has two handy sections to keep clean and dirty diapers separated. It's also great to use for wet clothes, swimsuits, sippy cups and food.
6) 1, 2, 3 bum cream
I get this miracle cream from my local pharmacy in Ingleside, Ontario, so I'm not sure where else it is available. However, I highly recommend it for diaper rashes or to avoid them. Keep in mind that if you use cloth diapers, this lotion is not cloth diaper safe. Which bring me to my next product...
Get some at the fabric store or even cut up some old fleece pyjamas! The barrier it creates between your babies bum and the wet diaper will leave your little guy/gal rash-less! Fleece doesn't stay wet, so your baby will not be sitting in the moisture of the diaper.
8) Honest Company Healing Balm
I put that s**t on everything! I swear, this will heal anything!
9) Stackable Cups (http://www.toysrus.com/buy/babies-r-us-stacking-cups-5f5fbc5-13343706)
For 5 bucks, you will probably be purchasing one of your baby's ultimate favourite toy. Get ready to make about 400 towers a day and repeating "yellow, green, blue, orange, red, purple, yellow, green, blue, orange" more often than your sanity can handle. A couple of us Stretchmarks Mommies can confirm that those cups are a HIT!

10) It Works! Wraps
Do you have a little bit of extra skin/flub around your tummy area that's bugging you? I did, and I bought wraps from It Works, through Trisha, and what a difference!
11) Oball Toys
These are such a great toy for little hands! They come in a variety of different items but every one of their products that we have has been well loved since 3-4 months!
12) Tommee Tippee Pacifiers These have been great for our little guy. It was the only pacifier he would take from birth and still provides him with a lot of comfort. The glow in the dark option is an amazing feature for late nights! The only downfall is that our dog also enjoys them far too much and has ruined about a dozen!
13) Nuk Sippy Cups The search for a sippy cup was an expensive and challenging task for us, I was so glad when I finally came across this cup, it was great for teaching my little one to lean his head back and tilt the cup.
14) Ella's Kitchen baby food As far as pouches go, you can't beat this company! None of our Ella's kitchen products have ever gone to waste!
15) Green Toys I love what this company is all about! Recycled materials, minimal packaging! We have had hours of fun with our fire truck, dump truck and airplane! We will definitely be expanding our collection!
I'm sure you have heard all about the Tula! There are a lot of addicts out there! Although it is on the pricy side, this carrier is so comfortable for doing odd jobs around the house, going for walks/hikes, soothing a sick or teething baby, etc. It comes in standard and toddler sizes, and there is also a newborn insert available. I have to also mention that the prints available are just too cute!
17) Amber necklace
This necklace has saved us from many nights of crying, screaming and discomfort (for both little K and ourselves). Just make sure you're buying a REAL one!
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